Pay it Forward

This post is from Lincoln Christian Church‘s 2012 Prayer Calendar and was written by Terry Davis.

In the movie, “Pay It Forward,” a junior high student gets the idea of helping three people, who each in turn, pay it forward by helping three other people, who help 3 more, and on and on. It’s a great idea and it works. Did you know Paul was one of the first to introduce the pay it forward concept?

In 2 Corinthians 9:10-14 (hover over Bible reference to read the passage), Paul is saying when you help others, in a real sense you are paying it forward. You are creating a chain reaction that will spread the love of God to many others.

We know that the Harvest is about meeting the physical need of hunger, but it is also about sharing Christ’s love with many who may have never heard. You see, when we help someone else, like when a hungry person is fed, it can create a chain reaction. Just like a teacher who spends extra time with a student, or a coach who gives unpaid hours to develop a skill in his player, they could very well be changing the future by helping to mold a future Olympic swimmer or a medical doctor who might cure a disease.

There is a chain reaction to generosity! As you pray for this year’s Harvest today, please consider how you might pay it forward. There are countless ways and many opportunities as the day of Harvest draws near.

To read more about how you can help feed hungry people, click here.