
Pastor Jerry once again preached a wonderful sermon. Unfortunately, it was not recorded. But, the notes are here from the sermon for your edification. Fill-in-the-blanks from the notes sheet are in parentheses.

Galatians 5:22-26

1 Corinthians 13:1-6

Why do people have such a misconstrued conception of love? (Our culture feeds a misconception in our movies, music, etc.)

Love is not just a feeling; it is a (committment).

Real love comes after (infatuation) is over.

1 John 4:19 teaches us “We love because (He first loved us).”

I. Humanism

What is the basic teaching of humanism? (all mankind is basically good).

Some Scriptures that teaches the opposite of humanism are:

(Romans 3:23, Genesis 6:5, Proverbs 20:9, Romans 3:10)

The amount of love we have really tells us the amount of (God) we have!

II. Love is Selfless

Selfish: (concerned with self; little regard for others)

Selfless: (without concern for oneself)

III. Love is…

List some things that I Corinthians 13 states that love is:

(patient, kind, not envious, not boastful, not proud, not rude, not self-seeking or easily angered, not begrudging, rejoicing in truth, always trusting)

LOVE NEVER (fails)!

According to I Corinthians13, when I was a child, I (talked) like a child. When I became a man, I (put childish ways behind me).

IV. Jesus

Loved the (children)

Loved the (despised woman at the well)

Loved those who (hated) Him

John 3:16 “For God so (loved) the world, He GAVE…